was rendered harmless|be render harmless in English

lost its value, became obsolete, lost its vitality

Use "was rendered harmless|be render harmless" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "was rendered harmless|be render harmless" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "was rendered harmless|be render harmless", or refer to the context using the word "was rendered harmless|be render harmless" in the English Dictionary.

1. Crepitus: Is it Harmless? Crepitus is considered harmless

2. Even harmless drugs can be misused.

3. It was just a harmless frolic.

4. Some Catfishing can be fairly harmless

5. It's harmless.

6. To tolerate his teaching would seem to trivialize it in some sense, to render it harmless.

7. This experiment was harmless to the animals.

8. Uncle Tom himself was frequently portrayed as a harmless bootlicker to be ridiculed.

9. It was just a piece of harmless frivolity.

10. It was a harmless flirtation and nothing more.

11. It was just a bit of harmless fun .

12. It's a harmless weed

13. Hoarding was, they thought, “a rare and harmless eccentricity.”

14. He's a harmless enough chap.

15. • Judged harmless, Paul was released on his own Cognizance

16. Judged harmless, Paul was released on his own cognizance.

17. Oh, he's fucking harmless.

18. He looks totally harmless.

19. He looks harmless enough.

20. Most skin Abscesses are harmless and

21. The trouble was sparked off by an apparently harmless phrase.

22. But is gambling harmless entertainment?

23. They're also harmless plankton-feeding animals.

24. In reality, Commented code is harmless

25. They're also harmless plankton- feeding animals.